
Back to the Blog

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Hello Readers,

It’s me again. Bet you didn’t expect to see me blogging again, did you?

For those of you unfamiliar with my past writing exploits, I, Kyle R. Bullock, used to maintain a blog entitled “At Wit’s End” which featured thoughts from my week and so forth. After two strong years of blogging, I decided to leave the virtual writing space and pursue other writing endeavors. Now, here I am, stumbling my way back onto the blogosphere, a little less crotchety and with a little more facial hair.

Now don’t get too disappointed if you were a fan of the last blog and think I’ve turned too soft. I’ve got enough “crusty curmudgeon” in me to satisfy your interests. However, if there is one thing I’ve learned in the two years I’ve been on blog-hiatus, it’s that I need to,

a) shut up more and

b) listen.

I, in no way, feel I am old enough or wise enough to write anything spiritually or emotionally riveting. But there are three things I know I can write about because they are the three things that have stayed constant in my life the past couple of years, even when the skies went black as coal for me. They are life, love, and family.

In the past two years, I’ve written a total of three full-length plays, one one-act play, a book, and a slew of poetry. I’ve put my nose deep within the books and come out knowing less than when I went in. I found a girl, fell in love, and now I’m going to marry her. Things aren’t bad. That doesn’t mean they have always been breezy, and that doesn’t mean they always will be breezy either. It just means that today, life ain’t bad.

But it doesn’t really matter if circumstances are crummy or not. You still got life. You still got love, or at least to choice to love. And you still got family, biological or otherwise. Now, I reckon, and this is just what I reckon, but perhaps those are qualities that are worth writing about… for now anyways.

As for all those things I wrote these past couple of years, don’t worry, I plan to share them with all of you. In fact, this site is designed to be a “central station” of sorts for my writing. In the coming months, you’ll be seeing books, plays, poetry, and other great things pop up on this site. I’ll be sure to link them all to the appropriate places. You’ll be seeing some of my friends’ works on here from time to time, too. They have been part of the family that has kept me going, and their stuff is worth getting.

In the meantime, follow my blog and prepare for more content in the coming weeks! And most importantly, friends, love to live life.